
Together We Can Save Lives

All Donations Are Tax Deductible

Your donation can be One Time or Recurring and can be in the Memory of a Friend or Family Member

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Please contact us at 415.495.1064 for information.

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Donate by Check

To Send a Donation by Check please use the following information:

Make check payable to: 
160 Alamo Plaza, Suite 499
Alamo CA 94507


MYASWAN, Inc. (“MYASWAN”) is a 501(c)(3) 46-5318614 not-for-profit organization incorporated in Delaware on April 4, 2014. MYASWAN was formed to promote medical health standards by establishing grants to Magdi Yacoub Global Initiatives and foreign charitable organizations.

Contact:  1448, Twelve Oaks, Alamo California, 94507