
Advancing basic science and applied research as an integral component of our work, promoting biomedical research in Egypt and the region.
In science and medicine perhaps more than any other field, to stand still means to go backwards. At the Aswan Heart Centre, we operate an extensive and active research center aimed at reducing the global prevalence of heart disease and developing new treatment options for patients and families.
Importantly, research is part of everything we do – meaning we are always deepening our knowledge of specific diseases with significant relevance to the population of Egypt, Africa and the world, particularly neglected diseases such as Rheumatic Heart Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension. Innovation is supported by local, state-of-the-art investigative platforms to push our research forward, such as in-house Next Generation Sequencing, advanced microscopy, conventional molecular and cellular biology, biochemical techniques and biomedical engineering and computing, including in-house 3-D modelling.
Every year, research teams participate in collaborative projects with some of the top institutions in the world. This drives more than 30 peer-reviewed publications in some of the world’s top scientific journals, including Nature and The Lancet. We also have our own journal to share research findings on a quarterly basis.
Population studies are essential for helping our researchers frame the context within which specific diseases exist and impact the community.
In Egypt and more broadly throughout Africa, high quality data regarding disease prevalence is scarce – and comprehensive population studies like the Dallas Heart Study in the United States or the Lollipop Study in London have never been produced in Egypt and the Middle East.
This is a key challenge that the Magdi Yacoub Global Heart Foundation is poised to address, executing population and epidemiological studies that will help produce high quality data that is crucial to improving health policy and reducing preventable deaths. In particular, these studies will help us understand ethnic and racial disparities in the population burden of cardiovascular diseases, which is crucial to effective prevention and treatment.
We tailor our disease studies to the region, adding new depth to medical scholarship and understanding in neglected areas.
Within a different context and with a different population than the primary countries of medical research, it can be understandable that studies from the North or developed world would not effectively address diseases relevant to those in middle income or developing countries. This is why we base our research agenda building understanding of our surrounding region, in part being driven by what we see in the clinic every day.
The breadth of these studies is extensive, including:

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