
Offering state-of-the-art, free-of-charge medical services to all patients regardless of their color, religion, or gender.
Care should not be denied because a family can’t pay – it is that simple. We offer free comprehensive health and cardiac care to patients who could otherwise not afford it, with a special focus on children, at the highest international standards. This is the bedrock of our programs.
Yet providing care free of charge does not mean that we dedicate less time, energy and funding towards treatment. In fact, our commitment to excellence and impact is evident in the numbers:
4.5%, a low mortality rate puts us on par with top U.S. and European hospitals.
3,000 open surgeries were performed by our teams in 3 years.
4,000 annual surgical and cardiac procedures, more than half are performed on children.
30+ peer-reviewed publications in the world’s leading scientific journals
Beyond the numbers, our team is committed to the values of care that guide the Magdi Yacoub Global Heart Foundation: to be compassionate, inclusive and accessible, and to be driven in pursuit of excellence as we pursue sustainable impact for patients and families in need, together.

Clinical Cardiovascular Services include cardiac surgeries, treatment and preventative medicine to mitigate threats of various cardiac diseases and conditions. A central service is our pediatric cardiac surgery – requiring highly specialized skills to effectively work on young, small patients.
In many countries, there are no pediatric cardiac surgery options – which is why our team maintains a broad referral network and outreach program to reach vulnerable children and youths who may have no other opportunity to receive the treatment they need to survive and thrive into adulthood.

Outpatient Clinics are where we see the most patients each year, with nearly every incoming patient first stopping through the clinic for Electrocardiograms and other comprehensive Echocardiographic studies. Our outpatient clinics offer many essential services, down to basic checkups and referring patients on to specialized teams when needed.
To extend our reach to marginalized and remote areas, E-Clinic Services have been introduced as well. Through this, our medical staff uses telemedicine to share clinical data and advise on treatment plans with clinics throughout Egypt.

Outpatient Clinics and other Non-Invasive Investigations round out the services offered at the Aswan Heart Centre. In our catheter lab, our teams perform both diagnostic and interventional procedures for pediatric and adult cases, while our Computed Tomography (CT) Unit, Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) Imaging Unit and Cardiopulmonary Exercise Laboratory offer a slate of support services for comprehensive medical care.
Prior to any surgery, for example, patients will undergo Comprehensive Cardiopulmonary Exercise tests that are integrated into the preoperative workup. Moreover, we perform standard perioperative care Echocardiographic studies for in-patients, Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography for patients undergoing open-heart surgery or cardiac catheterization to correct for structural heart diseases.
“We had been in and out of so many hospitals, but none were like this. Other hospitals told us the cost would be 40,000 Egyptian pounds, but the cost here was only the 10 pounds for the mailed application. Every day here, we are provided for. We did not require a single item outside of what the hospital provided. From the day of my daughter’s first visit, we received the utmost quality of care, and we were treated with respect by everyone.”
-Mr. Aly Abelrahmam, whose daughter Aliaa Aly received crucial, life-saving medical services at Aswan Heart Centre

Your gift can ensure that the next patient in need who comes through our doors will be able to receive expert, comprehensive and truly excellent care. Please open your heart today to join us.